Program Name
  • Master of Philosophy in Urban Governance and Design
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Governance and Design
Program Short Name
  • MPhil(UGOD)
  • PhD (UGOD)
Mode of Study
  • Full-time
  • Part-time
Normative Program Duration
  • MPhil

    Full-time: 2 years
    Part-time: 4 years
  • PhD

    Full-time: 3 years (with a relevant research master’s degree), 4 years (without a relevant research master’s degree)
    Part-time: 6 years
Program Advisor
  • Program Director: Prof Ge Lin KAN

By 2050, two out of every three people are likely to be living in cities or other urban centers, and most of the increase is expected to be highly-concentrated in a handful of countries, including China. Rapid urbanization and growth of cities call for high-quality public services and effective governance to make urban places more livable. The study of cities becomes an increasingly cross-disciplinary enterprise. The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programs in Urban Governance and Design employ cross-disciplinary perspectives to analyze the data on cities from different sources (including population census, surveys, administrative and big data) to address critical issues in contemporary urban governance and design.

The MPhil Program aims to train students to conduct independent research in urban governance. An MPhil graduate is expected to acquire cross-disciplinary knowledge of cities and employ quantitative skills to integrate and analyze the data from different sources, to write research reports addressing various audience in academia, think tanks, government, or industry, and to contribute to urban governance and design in practice.

The PhD Program seeks to train students in original research with cross-disciplinary approach to urban governance and design, and to cultivate independent and innovative thinking for knowledge creation in the field. A PhD graduate is expected to demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the chosen area of research and to synthesize and create new knowledge making an original and substantial contribution to the cross-disciplinary studies of cities.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the MPhil program, graduates will be able to:
Identify and synthesize current research on cities, especially those in the Chinese context;
Compare and contrast state-of-the-art knowledge in urban science and relevant referenced disciplines (e.g., data science, demography, economics, geography, public administration, and sociology), and apply such knowledge to drive research, practice, and innovation in the field;
Analyze, design, and execute research by utilizing proper research methodologies; and
Communicate the developed knowledge and research on cities with the academic and practitioners’ community.
On successful completion of the PhD program, graduates will be able to:
Identify and synthesize current research on cities, especially those in the Chinese context, to demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the chosen area of research;
Compare and contrast state-of-the-art knowledge in urban science and relevant referenced disciplines (e.g., data science, demography, economics, geography, public administration, and sociology), and cultivate independent and innovative thinking for knowledge creation in the field;
Analyze, design, and execute research by utilizing proper research methodologies to make an original and substantial contribution to the cross-disciplinary studies of cities; and
Communicate the developed knowledge and research on cities through publications and teaching.

For MPhil in UGOD, please visit https://vptlo.hkust-gz.edu.cn/ or contact rbm@hkust-gz.edu.cn for details.

Program Progression
First 3-semester coursework
Demonstrate competence
PhD Qualifying Exam
Written proposal with oral defense
PhD candidacy
Other required coursework
Thesis and oral defense
PhD degree conferred

Minimum Credit Requirement

MPhil: 15 credits

PhD: 21 credits

* Credit Transfer: Students who have taken equivalent courses at HKUST or other recognized universities may be granted credit transfer on a case-by-case basis, up to a maximum of 3 credits for MPhil students, and 6 credits for PhD students.

Cross-disciplinary Core Courses

2 Credits

UCMP 6010

Cross-disciplinary Research Methods I

2 Credit(s)


This course focuses on using various approaches to perform quantitative analysis through real-world examples. Students will learn how to use different tools in an interdisciplinary project and how to acquire new skills on their own. The course offers different modules that are multidisciplinary/multifunctional and generally applicable to a wide class of problems.

UCMP 6020

Cross-disciplinary Research Methods II

2 Credit(s)


This course focuses on using various approaches to perform quantitative analysis through real-world examples. Students will learn how to use different tools in an interdisciplinary project and how to acquire new skills on their own. The course offers different modules that are multidisciplinary/multifunctional and generally applicable to a wide class of problems.

UCMP 6030

Cross-disciplinary Design Thinking I

2 Credit(s)


This course focuses on user-collaborative design methods for generating inclusive product solutions that integrate stakeholder and product functionality perspectives. Students will create specified product/process/policy/protocol/plan (5P) concept models through the use of recursive user feedback engagement methods, experimental prototyping, and divergent and convergent ideation strategies. Featured topics include design thinking; stakeholder research; concept development, screening, and selection; and interaction design.

UCMP 6040

Cross-disciplinary Design Thinking II

2 Credit(s)


This course focuses on user-collaborative design methods for generating inclusive product solutions that integrate stakeholder and product functionality perspectives. Students will create specified product/process/policy/protocol/plan (5P) concept models through the use of recursive user feedback engagement methods, experimental prototyping, and divergent and convergent ideation strategies. Featured topics include design thinking; stakeholder research; concept development, screening, and selection; and interaction design.

All students are required to complete either UCMP 6010 or UCMP 6030. Students may complete the remaining courses as part of the credit requirements, as requested by the Program Planning Committee.

Hub Core Courses

4 Credits

Students are required to complete at least one Hub core course (2 credits) from the Society Hub and at least one Hub core course (2 credits) from other Hubs.

Society Hub Core Course

SOCH 5000

Technological Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

2 Credit(s)


This course discusses both opportunities and risks that technological breakthrough has brought to the human society. What would be the policy responses required to maximize its positive benefit and minimize its social costs? In particular, how could we utilize the technological advancement, entrepreneurial thinking to address the challenges our societies are facing, such as job loss/unemployment, income inequality and societal polarization, environmental degradation, health disparity, population aging, and among others. The course uses either case studies or cross-country and time-series data analyses to facilitate the discussion of various social issues and look for innovative solutions of in the real world.

Other Hub Core Courses

FUNH 5000

Introduction to Function Hub for Sustainable Future

2 Credit(s)


This course covers background knowledge in the thrust areas of the Function Hub, including Advanced Materials, Sustainable Energy and Environment, Microelectronics, and Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.

INFH 5000

Information Science and Technology: Essentials and Trends

2 Credit(s)


This inquiry-based course aims to introduce students to the concepts and skills needed to drive digital transformation in the information age. Students will learn to conduct research, explore real-world applications, and discuss grand challenges in the four thrust areas of the Information hub, namely Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Analytics, Internet of Things, and Computational Media and Arts. The course incorporates various teaching and learning formats including lectures, seminars, online courses, group discussions, and a term project.

SYSH 5000

Model-Based Systems Engineering

2 Credit(s)


Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a contemporary systems engineering methodology that uses conceptual models for communication between system architects, designers, developers, and stakeholders. Object-Process Methodology (OPM) is an MBSE language and methodology for constructing domain-independent conceptual models of all kinds of systems. The course provides students with basic knowledge and tools for MBSE, focusing on conceptual modeling of systems, giving learners a competitive advantage over their peers.

Courses on Domain Knowledge

MPhil: minimum 9 credits of coursework

PhD: minimum 15 credits of coursework

Required Course List

UGOD 5010

Science of Cities

3 Credit(s)


The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the city and the system of cities, the challenges faced by cities, especially the rapidly-developing large cities, and the key tools for interventions in response to critical pressures linked to economic development, urbanization, globalization, migration, social inclusion, climate change, resource efficiency, technology etc.

Sample Elective Course List

To meet individual needs, students will be taking courses in different areas, which may include but not limited to courses and areas listed below.

UGOD 5009

Inferential Statistics and OLS Regression

3 Credit(s)


This course introduces fundamental knowledge and practice of basic statistics in quantitative social science research, with a focus on how quantitative methods are used to assemble, describe, and draw inferences from bodies of numerical data. The course serves as an additional foundation for more advanced methodology courses (such as UGOD 5020). The course covers two modules. The first is about descriptive statistics and fundamentals of statistical inference. Topics include frequency distribution, probability theory, random variable and probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and contingency table analysis. The second is about linear regression techniques, which are widely used in social science research. The course materials are explored through the analyses of real data sets using STATA.

UGOD 5011

Applied Numerical Methods

3 Credit(s)


This course introduces computational methods that are commonly used in social science (e.g. economics, finance etc.) and other disciplines (e.g. engineering). They are to solve/handle linear and non-linear equations, optimizations, numerical integration and differentiation, function approximation, dynamic models (discrete and continuous), etc. Classes will be interactive so that students can understand both theory and practice. Homework is designed for students to be familiar with those techniques.

UGOD 5020

Quantitative Social Science

3 Credit(s)


This course builds on the knowledge of the linear regression models to introduce students advanced statistical methods to analyze survey, administrative and other types of data of interest to quantitative social scientists. The introduction of statistical methods is integrated into research contexts and designs from a holistic framework and bridge quantitative social science and computational social science (data science). Topics include measurement, prediction, causal inference, natural experiment and program evaluation (difference-in-differences, panel data, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity), applied to both survey and big data.

UGOD 5030

GIS and Spatial Analysis

3 Credit(s)


This course introduces students to the basic concepts and methods in Geographic Information System (GIS), and their applications in urban design and governance, environmental and infrastructure sustainability, and smart city management. This course integrates social science and informatics perspectives, and is suitable for students with various backgrounds. In addition to learning traditional GIS data, spatial analytical techniques, and GIS software, this course also develops skills of manipulating spatially detailed urban sensing Big Data (about urban activities, environmental qualities, and mobility patterns).

UGOD 5040

Urban Data Acquisition and Analysis

3 Credit(s)


The course introduces students to different methods of collecting data in the social sciences for urban analysis, focusing on sampling surveys designs and analysis in urban settings. Since alternative data sources (e.g., passive measurement, social media and administrative data) become increasingly available in recent years, the course will also cover other modes of data acquisitions such as using new technology on wearables, sensors, and apps in urban research settings, and exploration of cutting edge methods for collecting and analyzing web data, and how they can be used in combination with traditional survey data.

UGOD 5050

Cities and Society

3 Credit(s)


The course looks at some of the major drivers of urban inequality and poverty, and the key actions that cities are taking to reduce urban inequalities through urban design, infrastructure and policy. Students are introduced with tools to analyze the socio-demographic profile of households and neighborhoods/communities and their relation to spatial distribution and clustering in cities of both the developing and the developed world. A particular emphasis is placed on identifying spatial strategies that can alleviate the concentration of urban poverty and inequality to enhance urban social cohesion by optimizing access to jobs, housing, education, health, public space, transport and community infrastructure.

UGOD 5060

Urban Data Analytics

3 Credit(s)


Over recent years, the way data are used to understand urban system has changed dramatically. Cities are constantly adapting to incorporate new technology, and urban social life increasingly occurs in digital environments and continues to be mediated by digital systems, producing urban data not only in volume but also in form (i.e. text, image, audio, and video). This course delves into the challenges and opportunities of using new and emerging forms of data to study cities.

UGOD 5070

Urban Planning and Design

3 Credit(s)


This course cuts across all major fields within urban planning and design and introduces the major theories, models, and methodological approaches that urban planners and policy makers use for urban planning and design. This course also critically examines the current practice of urban planning and governance in China at various geographical scales.

UGOD 5080

Cities and the Environment

3 Credit(s)


This course will provide students a systematic framework of the interplay between urban growth and the environment and introduce them to the most pressing environmental challenges accompanied with fast-developing cities worldwide. It will familiarize students with the current research progress in this field, by walking them through the state-of-the-art research in urban and environmental studies from both developing and developed countries.

UGOD 5090

Urban Sustainability

3 Credit(s)


This course provides a road map for examining the sustainability of cities through perspectives and approaches in urban governance and design. Drawing from an interdisciplinary literature, we will explore the following major themes in the context of urban sustainability: theories and assessment tools of urban sustainability, land use and transportation, urban design, energy and climate change, food and health, governance, and social ecology.

UGOD 5101

Empirical Methods for Urban Research

3 Credit(s)


The course introduces students to basic practices and tools that will enhance their ability to conduct empirical research and analysis in applied economics and relevant disciplines in a data-rich world. By the end of the course, the students will be proficient in a variety of data management, visualization, and quantitative techniques necessary to efficiently conduct independent research. The course format is “hands-on”, and students will conduct most of their work on their personal computers using R and RStudio.

UGOD 5102

Life Course Research

3 Credit(s)


Life course analysis provides a framework to understand many topics across different disciplines, such as family and fertility, migration, child development and education, paid and unpaid work, and wellbeing, heath and ageing. Those decisions or outcomes of individuals are a result of how individuals interact with each other in the specific culture and historical context that is shaped by our city, policy, and environment. This course will introduce the field of life course research and basic concepts, cover a range of established research topics, with a focus on the theoretical and substantive research in addition to the translation of these research questions into empirical applications. Another central goal will be the introduction of event history techniques and sequence analysis. Students will learn how social survey data, administrative data, and geographic information are synthesized to answer those research questions.

UGOD 5103

Economics of the Urban Labor Market

3 Credit(s)


This course studies theoretical and empirical issues in economics of the urban labor market. Topics include theories and empirics of human capital in an urban area, labor search and matching, unemployment, and their applications. The modeling and empirical tools covered allow students to analyze various public policy issues facing contemporary urban governance and design, including minimum wage and unemployment benefits. Evidence from China’s urban labor market will be discussed along the course.

UGOD 5105

Urban Complexity Analysis and Modeling

3 Credit(s)


Going beyond conventional GIS and geospatial analysis, this course delves into the realm of complexity-science methods, including fractal geometry, power law statistics, space syntax, complex networks, scaling hierarchy, and cellular automata. By embracing pivotal concepts like "natural streets" and "natural cities," alongside the tools such as Axwoman and head/tail breaks, students will explore city structure and dynamics from a complexity-science perspective. These concepts, methods and tools will be applied to open-access geospatial big data such as OpenStreetMap, nighttime imagery, and location-based social media data for revealing insights into cities for better transforming modern cities towards a sustainable planet.

UGOD 5110

Quantitative Macroeconomics

3 Credit(s)


This course introduces the framework of modern macroeconomics and then conducts policy analysis based on it. We start from the classic economic growth model developed by Solow, then gradually add other features to the model to make it better explain the real world. These features include a life-cycle structure, income risks, incomplete credit markets, the role of government, etc. After building up the framework, we study its policy implications with a focus on fiscal policy.

UGOD 5120

Entrepreneurship and Modern Economy

3 Credit(s)


This course studies the role of entrepreneurship in the modern economy. Theories and empirics of startups as a driver of job creation, growth and development, and business cycles will be discussed. The course also examines the effects on venture growth, wealth accumulation, inequality, and innovation in a society. Finally, examples of entrepreneurial public policies will be demonstrated and assessed.

UGOD 5200

Applied Demography

3 Credit(s)


This course provides an introduction to applied demography, the practical applications of demographic analysis. Students will learn about the basic principles of demographic analysis, including measures of population size, composition, and distribution, as well as methods for analyzing demographic changes and trends over time. Through hands-on instruction, students will also learn the applications of these techniques to real-world situations, such as policy-making, urban planning, and marketing.

UGOD 5201

Spatial Econometrics for Urban Analysis

3 Credit(s)


This course combines spatial analysis and econometrics to understand and analyze urban phenomena. It equips students with theoretical foundations and practical tools for understanding and analyzing urban data. The course covers spatial autocorrelation, heterogeneity, and various spatial econometric models. It also explores real-world applications in the fields of urban economics, regional science, and environmental economics.

Additional Foundation Courses

Individual students may be required to take foundation courses to strengthen their academic background and research capacity in related areas, which will be specified by the Program Planning cum Thesis Supervision Committee. The credits earned cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

Graduate Teaching Assistant Training

PDEV 6800

Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

0 Credit(s)

All full-time RPg students are required to complete PDEV 6800. The course is composed of a 10-hour training offered by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI), and session(s) of instructional delivery to be assigned by the respective departments. Upon satisfactory completion of the training conducted by CEI, MPhil students are required to give at least one 30-minute session of instructional delivery in front of a group of students for one term. PhD students are required to give at least one such session each in two different terms. The instructional delivery will be formally assessed.

Professional Development Course Requirement

PDEV 6770

Professional Development for Research Postgraduate Students

1 Credit(s)

Students are required to complete PDEV 6770. The 1 credit earned from PDEV 6770 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed PDEV 6770 or other professional development courses offered by the University before may be exempted from taking PDEV 6770, subject to prior approval of the Program Planning Committee.

SOCH 6780

Professional Development in Innovation, Technology, and Social Responsibility

1 Credit(s)

Students are required to complete SOCH 6780. The 1 credit earned from SOCH 6780 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed SOCH 6780 or other professional development courses offered by the University before may be exempted from taking SOCH 6780, subject to prior approval of the Program Planning Committee.

English Language Requirement

LANG 5000

Foundation in Listening & Speaking for Postgraduate Students

1 Credit(s)


For students whose level of spoken English is lower than ELPA Level 4 (Speaking) when they enter the University. The course addresses the immediate linguistic needs of research postgraduate students for oral communication on campus using English. To complete the course, students are required to attain at least ELPA Level 4 (Speaking). Graded P or F.

Full-time RPg students are required to take an English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Speaking Test administered by the Division of Language Education before the start of their first term of study. Students whose ELPA Speaking Test score is below Level 4, or who failed to take the test in their first term of study, are required to take LANG 5000 until they pass the course by attaining at least Level 4 in the ELPA Speaking Test before graduation. The 1 credit earned from LANG 5000 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

PLED 5001

Communicating Research in English

1 Credit(s)


This course aims to help research postgraduate students to develop skills they need to understand how to successfully communicate research in English to academic, cross-disciplinary and non-specialist audiences. Students who fail to satisfy the University's English language requirement are advised to complete LANG 5000 before enrolling for this course. Graded P or F.

Students are required to take PLED 5001. The credit earned cannot be counted toward the credit requirements. Students can be exempted from taking this course with the approval of the Program Planning cum Thesis Supervision Committee.

Postgraduate Seminar

UGOD 6101

UGOD Program Seminar I

0 Credit(s)


Advanced seminar series presented by postgraduate students, faculty, and guest speakers on selected topics in urban governance and design. This course is offered once a year. Graded P or F.

UGOD 6102

UGOD Program Seminar II

1 Credit(s)


Selected topics in hands-on data analyses, such as statistical software (R, STATA, or SAS), data management, and visualization, will be introduced to students in urban governance and design for their research. The course is offered once a year. Graded P or F.

Students are required to complete UGOD 6101 and UGOD 6102 or their equivalent in two terms in sequence. The credit earned cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

PhD Qualifying Examination

PhD students are required to pass a qualifying examination to obtain PhD candidacy following established policy.

Thesis Research

UGOD 6990

MPhil Thesis Research

0 Credit(s)


Master's thesis research supervised by co-advisors from different disciplines. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.

UGOD 7990

Doctoral Thesis Research

0 Credit(s)


Original and independent doctoral thesis research supervised by co-advisors from different disciplines. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned.


  1. i.Registration in UGOD 6990; and
  2. ii.Presentation and oral defense of the MPhil thesis.


  1. i.Registration in UGOD 7990; and
  2. ii.Presentation and oral defense of the PhD thesis.
Admission Requirements
English Language Admission Requirements

Applicants have to fulfill English Language requirements with one of the following proficiency attainments:

TOEFL-iBT: 80*

TOEFL-pBT: 550

TOEFL-Revised paper-delivered test: 60 (total scores for Reading, Listening and Writing sections)

IELTS (Academic Module): Overall score: 6.5 and All sub-score: 5.5

* refers to the total score in one single attempt

Applicants are not required to present TOEFL or IELTS score if

their first language is English, or

they obtained the bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from an institution where the medium of instruction was English.

To qualify for admission, applicants must meet all of the following requirements. Admission is selective and meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

General Admission Requirements of the University

Applicants seeking admission to a master's degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution, or an approved equivalent qualification;

Applicants seeking admission to a doctoral degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree with a proven record of outstanding performance from a recognized institution;
or presented evidence of satisfactory work at the postgraduate level on a full-time basis for at least one year, or on a part-time basis for at least two years.

PhD in UGOD Program
Email: ugodt@hkust-gz.edu.cn
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