Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship (IPE) is an emerging interdisciplinary area that has become increasing important in recent years in addressing global challenges in governance and provision of private and public goods and services. IPE focuses on linkages among innovation, entrepreneurship, and public policy in development of human society. This interdisciplinary program prepares the next generation of leaders in solving problems at the interface of technology and society through innovation in technology, institution, policy, entrepreneurship, and business model.
This thrust area trains the new generation of leaders in solving complex problems at the interface of technology and society through innovation in technology, institution, policy, and entrepreneurship with cross-disciplinary approaches and real-world applications.
  • Innovation and Intellectual Property Right Protection
  • Innovation and Technology Management
  • Innovation and Public Policy
  • Health Studies/Health Care Policy/Environmental Policies/Sustainability
  • Experimental Economics and Decision Sciences
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Machine Learning and Text Analysis for Public Administration and Management
Danyang XIE
Acting Head
Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship Thrust
Welcome to our dynamic and forward-thinking Thrust of Innovation, Policy, and Entrepreneurship (IPE). Our mission is to train the new generation of leaders in solving complex problems at the interface of technology and society through innovation in technology, institution, policy, and entrepreneurship with cross-disciplinary approaches and real-world applications. We are dedicated to nurturing change-makers who will drive economic growth, social progress, and sustainable development on a global scale.

Our IPE Thrust brings together a diverse group of faculty with expertise in technology, economics, business, and public policy, creating a vibrant environment for cross-disciplinary collaboration. Our research focuses on the cutting-edge issues of today, such as digital transformation, intellectual property, innovation ecosystems, technology regulation, and the role of entrepreneurship in social and economic development.

We strive to foster a strong network of partnerships with industry, governmental organizations, and academic institutions, both locally and globally. Together we forge a brighter and more sustainable future through the power of innovation, policy, and entrepreneurship.