Chair Professor
While the scope of cross-disciplinary research will serve the national development strategy and respond to market demand, the Society Hub focuses in the near term on the following four thrust areas: Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change; Financial Technology; Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship; and Urban Governance and Design, which are inspired by several interesting patterns and trends emerging in the new century. Currently Society Hub offers three programs both in Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. They are MPhil/PhD Programs in Financial Technology; MPhil/PhD Programs in Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship; and MPhil/PhD Programs in Urban Governance and Design. The first master program, Master of Science in Technology and Policy was newly approved and already started admission.

逾5600人受访 港科大(广州)“广州都市动态调查”首期成果揭示新发现
15 Oct 2024
教师代表发言 | 香港科技大学(广州)2024学年开学典礼
01 Sep 2024